November 12, 2006

Everyone's leaving, leaving me.

(Those dried flowers.)

I found out i'm not really good with words. I dont know how to compliment people. I dont know to be crook(as in not to be too straight forward) in certain stuffs. And i dont have a friendly face(or friendly in the sense people want to befriend). Sad? yes.

Anyway, i haven do my homework since friday. BUCK UP MAN.

I think my eyes got too tired after painting(or drawing) the shoe.

How's it? Lol. I think it seems very childish. I think my previous pair is better. But this is VERY colorful.

I must learn how not to draw cartoons already. ;p

My brother said i looked ugly during work. Looking so lok kok. Why do i keep falling into that cateogory this days? Lol.

I dont know what to blog already.

Why dont stop to look back?

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