July 10, 2004

looks is all i care. duhx.

i went out with a guy who likes me. somehow, i'm guilty. i played with his feelings? he treat me movie, buy food for me to eat and i didn actually eat one mouth and he actually walked me home. he's a nice guy. i didn hav feelings for him from the start and i actually went movie with him because he treat me. maybe i hav some feelings for him when i didn actually saw him, but when i saw him.. i was like kinda regret? haix. my heart did beat very fast when i knew i was goin to meet him. haa.. what the hell. perhaps looks is all i care.
i msg santa just now. i ask if he got work.. he say ya. he ask me why and i say i'm at town. he told me to enjoy and hee. i reply him with a smiley and hoho. i feel like finding him, mayb just walk pass and see him working. i didn. my heart wants to but i didn wants to. im sucha weirdo. well, i miss him but my like-ness of him seems fading.

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