July 5, 2004

who should i believe?

well, someone told me santa aint a great guy, he's a flirt, he got many gf plus ex, he act kewl, he's a pervetic who everytime ask gals to do 'that thing'. duhx. what the hell. someone told me he got four ex and santa told me he got two. so, who should i believe? him or yet-another-him? someone told me to give another guy a chance cos he like me alot.. love at first sight. i told someone my heart dosent belong to another guy but santa himself. i said if i giv him a chance but my heart aint with another guy, wont i be playing with his feelings? yea. i'm straight forward. someone said love can grow.. maybe it will. everything is beyond my control.
leaf will follow with wind.
tree didn pursuit..

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