July 19, 2004

i saw him. i do. lolx.
-i'm touched by his message last night.. maybe is cos of me. he say hi to me in msn [ finally ], i reply him with an arlo. and his msn status went away. duhx. his msn status became online again [ after sometime ] and it's time for me to go offline. i type take care and '=j' . perhaps he could sense my 'missing' for him. he send me a nice mesaage. i didn reply though.
-i'm touched the second time. cos i receive 2 message and 2 miss calls from him. he called me? am i dreaming? lol. he did. he asked me if i wanna go iceskate. i said i dunno and in the end i didn. but i got to see him. i went all the way to find him. yeap. i pass him an envolope consist of a postcard, some plasters and an apple badge. [ i gave him mine =( . haha, shall buy another one! ] -he smile. sa xiao. wahaa. this is the sixth or seventh time i saw him i suppose? i dunno! lol. we talked, less than 1o minutes. he said he's guilty cos i came alone and had to went home alone. actually.. it's okay. =j .
-he like the apple and said i'm bad cos i gave him the plasters. haha. i'm bad yeap. xD .
- i miss him, i do.
-i'm falling all over and over again.
-for him, yes.
-i love santa old man!
// signed jess. 

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