December 21, 2003

hmm.. bored bored. lolx. today stay at home.. ytd oso. tml leh? again!? hope not loh. btw.. tues gonna go out with xue and wen. hehe.. at least got place to go.
hmm.. me wanna change my layout. so if u see my layout is diff.. that means i change. if still de same, that means i didn change. haa. crap lah. the haloscan thing change liao.. thanx wen for teachin me! hoho.
my sch skirt become shorter liao.. my mum help me make. yipee!
last night kelvin call from bangkok. lolx. my phone bill later v ex how? haha.. nvm loh. he say his friend hp auto roam one.. that's y can call. he comin back to singapore today ya? should b if i not wrong.. hi fren!
wah.. ytd sleep v late or say just now. me slp around 4 like that. heh. bcum really big panda liao. den i woke up at 2!? it's like almost half the day is gone. gd gd.
one more thing.. my pri sch fren no gd one.. say what she free will tell me. so long liao she still no free meh? i haven see her for a long time! i wanna go out with her!!! lolx. hope she can sense my enthu.
crap crap crap. bored bored bored.
added:: hmm.. so just now me makan losta tang yuan. hoho. the thing is.. my mum bought those that inside got paste one. she cook sesame one and peanut one. i take 3.. 3 oso peanut. lolx. den i say.. i so heng one meh? i wanna eat sesame one! we also make some plain one. we roll loh. then got green colour. supo weird. no see green tang yuan before leh. haa. next time we gonna buy blue colouring and try making it. hehe.
i change my layout! how's it?

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