October 23, 2004

i'm loving it.
- i had a fun day at wild wild wet yesterday. =D .
- at first, the outing gonna be manting and me. anthea called, asking me if i wanna go wild wild wet. and so.. anthea, eliza, ouracha, ruiting, yumin, manting and me go wild wild wet. it was fun but there's no sun. =( . and the most interesting slide was down for renovation. ahh.
- haha. but yea.. all was fun! we got tease by some unknown guys. argghh.
- i gotta hav a job at mos burger soon! yipee! i gonna go down there later and get my clothes. be there to see me. hehe. visit me! gotta know when my work and time schedule too.
- i am despo for money. lol.
- i bet all fruitie sistas have work le. hard to hav an outing again. =( .
suntanning rawks.

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