October 19, 2004

i miss your love.
- hmm. yesterday went for job hunt. but didn really did. just went to causeway point walked circles and bishan to eat? lol. wen, xue and me. anna and stel gt job le. yeap. for the job at queensway, they dont need any helpers le. now.. my choice is the flyers or mos burger! pray hard my bro say they need ppl for flyers. muahaha.
- i am lazy. tata. took losta pic from wen gallery. but i couldn't save it. something wrong with my comp! arghh.
- i hope o's will be over soon. haha. is that any of my problem huh? yea! long time since i saw him.. two, three month le? ahh. haha. i miss yaa!
- alright.. and i miss the unknown noter, YOUR LOVE . haha. if ya still see my diary.. note me again! perhaps, or i think ya wont note me le lah.. it been so long.
- that's all lah.

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