December 19, 2003

hey! i cut my hair again. lolx. can u imagine now my hair will be v short? hehe. me siao ar. alot of clothes dun suit my this hairstyle.. sad. den wear liao v funny. haa.
so me meet my mama at buona vista and meet her and her fren. den walk walk here and there. sweat here sweat there. empty handed. lolx. my mum got buy thing for her loh. she heng. lolx.

ytd leh.. went to sch for bowling thingy.. a while oli. haa. den mani say the tee design v awkward.. cos is like.. the numbers behind. btw.. it will be real kewl and fun! hehe. that's what i think loh. went beauty world to change plus buy a sch skirt later then. my the size is 28 1/2. haha.. big ar. like that gd mah.. can wear aroung hip there. stylo. lolx. aniway.. the sch skirt v long.. must go make it. if not can.. ar.. urm.. eh? like ku ku. lolx. btw.. i areadi look ku ku with my new hairstyle. lolx. den me and nana go eat mac. eat liao take cab go find her daimien. haa. den blah blah.. blah blah.

hohOHO~ santa claus is coming to town!

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