December 8, 2005

i feel so lonely

i have been working for da past few days already. da place is busy.. so time passes fast. ma fren that introduced me to this cafe have been transfer to city hall today.. so for da rest of da days onwards.. we wont be going him or walk around together. how boring. and it's seems weird working there and da gal who tansfer here, i seems to have a weird feeling.. we didn seems to talk much. but luckily there's another guy that talk to me.

da cafe consists of six crew, two at da kitchen.. one named cornie, another called niubi [ cowskin xD ], da manager paul, da new crew pauline, spancier and lastly me. anw, pauline and spancier are both siblings.

ya know, i'm so tired.. i feel like giving up. i been thinking when we first meet.. being a very sweet couple.. and then we were already in da same class, classmates got shocked about our two having a relationship. we quarrel, we have our prelims and then da o's examination. we begin to be so quiet, neglected and then become better.

whenever i see couples nowadays, i start to miss da feel of holding hands.. having someone to carry your bag.. will appreciate you. and i thought boyfriend will sacrifice their time for their gf? will they? now i get easily angry, happy or sad over every word or every move you make. i start to think you care about ma appearance more to myself. bring an extra shirt? is it so shameful to have a gal wearing a visa tee as a uniform to go out with you? maybe i'm being too sensitive. i start to think i'm peanuts to you, is that true?


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