July 27, 2004

i failed in almost everything.
-i suck, i do.
-ahh! i failed my physics, i failed my chemistry, maybe i gonna failed my biology too. my results are dropping. what i promise my mum.. did i fulfil it? NO. i didn. i'm slacking, more than ever. i know i did slack.. but i cant seems to study, concentrate and stuffs. i sleep late and i don have the energy. sometimes i knew what i did were wrong.. but i just couldn't change it. why? why?
-i'm lost. really. lost in what-so-ever. between friends.. relationships and blahx. i dunno if everything is like that, i feel lonely in class.. maybe i'm the quiet one, maybe i'm the left out.. or perhaps i'm been thinking too much. sometimes i feel that my pals don understand me, they laugh, they joke. sometimes.. their jokes aint funny and sometimes their jokes do hurt alot. sometimes i feel left out, sometimes i don. sometimes, sometimes.. mayb some time i will know.
-i cant seems to be a pair. perhaps i aint suitable having another one. he give me uncertainty.. i cant seems to know if it's still sparks. i guess i'm been thinking quite alot.
-ya know what? i seems really negative as days goes by. maybe as i'm growing.. i seems to yearn for something, something i didn have before. perhaps i'm young and i shouldn get those. but why, why do i'm always the one who is one-sided? cant there be any both-sided?
-my parents dont understand me sometimes, all they do is nag. perhaps they think it's for our own good. perhaps they think we are going astray, slacking, bad or what-so-ever. i know they mean well, i know..
-i tears, but i cant tears it all out. i don wan my mum to ask what happen? why are ya tears-ing?
-i'm sad. i'm stress. perhaps depressed.. perhaps all i need is care, concern and love. perhaps all i want is him.
ta hen kai xin.

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