June 8, 2004

santa. i miss him. i need him. lol.
hmm.. what's with his msn thingy which he have put for days? i love you!!! who he love? haa. me? is that possible? shrugs. will he sms again? he didn sms me for real long.. supo long. didn talk to me much too. why? hai. i started a conversation asking him hai hao mah, he reply me no gd and dunno why again. he ask me why. duhx. cant i just start a conversation and ya talk to me or ask me stuffs about me? wont ya just care for a gal that ya says ya like her.. miss her, love her or what-so-ever?
ahh. whoever i like, wont like me the way i do. i guess, like what i predict.. i shall have my first guy on my eighteen birthday. cross finger.
i suck

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