June 13, 2004

don't be sad over a guy like santa..u dont suck u get it?? it all depends on fate alone, i ain't really lucky either.. love isn't always good, its only good when both party loves, and sacrifices... some guys or girls just make empty promises but not thinking how hurt their half might feel.. don't worry that much, take it easy and everything will just turn out fine for you and me... i will always be here listening and be there for you... but don't ever forget your sweet friends always standing by you... don't feel hurt...i know how u feel deep in your heart though you don't express it out...share with your friends how u feel...dun keep it in you... alright??

who's that guy? hmm.. thanx anyway. =j.
ahh.. santa? mayb it's fading.
blur-er shall it be.

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