April 2, 2004

aww.. sian. god tears me alot. alot alot. ytd and today. i cant take it any longer. i miss him. i need him. lolx. i sound like some what despo. i guess all i need now is some angels, to giv me some care? .. or somewhat sunshine to shine me.. n i will be awake. aha. craps. indian frog prince charming?
so, me and wenx were supo drenched ytd. supo supo! my shoes was like soaked wet.. dripping water summore. ahaha.
today leh.. drenched again. yesh! i love the feelin! being in rains make me let the god tears! wahaa. so today, xindi, wen, gin, chunyu, wei kiat, marcus, a malay boy call hel?.. germaine and wanxuan went cdans. we play bowling.. me bowl okay. heh. germaine and wanxuan went off in the middle of the game. den gin went off after sometime too. a fun day leh. today being drenched was of diff feelings. it seems more fun cos.. more friends, more ppl. hoho.
aww.. now my head is damn heavy. lolx.
i've done something i shouldnt..

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