March 31, 2004

hmm.. so bowling tournament had finish.. guess no dunearn bowlers went to the masters. aww. nvm. we did try our best. eh.. should be they. not me. ^.<
today leh.. went to causeway with gin.. we board 187 and alight 187 for another 187. ar.. chim? haha. we just board of the squeezy 187 we first board and change to another 187 with losta space. gin lost her hp.. or say ppl steal it? hai.. dunno who had done that. hope we wil be able to find the person soon. gaa. we still take neos. lolx.
i got really dark panda rings nowadays.. haa. xue say i got dark rings.. i guess i did. i always feel so sleepy! hope i can slp earlier today. shrugs. i miss him! hai.. where r u! why u always tell me things u say u will do but didn do? message me? noNO NO! duhx. do santa gal realli hav to wait till xmas to see santa claus?
all shall be lies..

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