April 4, 2004

i noe a new guy ytd! woi. ivan? yea. lolx.
hmm.. ytd go out with nana. we went wdl library. go there study. lolx. i finish maths nia. but nvm.. better den dun hav. damien went too. went arcade.. den went lot 1.. arcade again. haha. god tears again. hai.. y god so sad! y!? y? whY!? lolx. saw jingyang on the way hm.. took the same 3o2. think he go ytcc. muahaha. i ma chiam pervert.. sad by nana. =b mayb.. i am one. aha!
wah seh.. now v late.. i haven do finish my eng! die~ i haven eh.. wat ar. dunno. gaga. i gonna be the worst owl panda ever. was usin the comp for like 7 hrs plus. goin to 8 hrs. muahaha. tink i will be longer.. die. let me fall sick. muahaha. no one cares aniway. muahaha. i'm goin insane.
let it be..

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