Somehow, this diary am always at the back of my mind.
Time really flies~! I've now hit the 30s mark, it is rather crazy.
I must say I still don't feel much of a different as to when I'm younger except the fact that I've to be more responsible, stable and perhaps having financial freedom.
So... just what can I share now?
The most major issue now is home - Singapore facing Covid-19 pandemic.
As like many others, I'm struggling due to financial stability and perhaps insomnia. Since the start of April 2020, we all have to stay home which is called the Circuit Breaker period, which extended till 1st of June 2020. More and more rules are coming up from the government, so everyday we probably got to stay tune to it.
Did I tell you that I'm a freelancer now? I'm officially my own boss! Haha. I've decided to have faith and resign from my full-time position at a wedding company, I was there for 5.5years! Sometimes I do miss those moments as I really love their company! It nice to be in a team, sharing ideas and the list goes on.
Nonetheless, this step is definitely a major milestone in my life!
If I don't try now, what happen after I'm married and all with kids yes? ;D
So on 20 Feb 2020, I've registered Wemerrygoround! Chio date bo? Hahaha.
Just a solo company with myself that is. Lol. The bf helps me here and there too! Ah yes, though Wemerrygoround suppose to be a couple hashtag, I still used that name as friends around am quite familiar with it? Or at least that is what I thought. In the near future, I really hope Wemerrygoround will be stable and maybe a team? Hehe. #dream
I’m grateful for a positive fresh start for me with jobs opportunity coming in until more restrictions due to Covid-19, everything have since come to a halt. I really hope things will get better and resume as soon as possible. I don't mind a few months break as I've work full time for 10 years. But am a little lost and scare... like what if the break could mean much longer? What am I going to do next? Hmms.
We're officially engaged!
Alvin and me have been together for 11 years since 2009. Heheh.
Okay diary, will share more next time. Lots of love!
I'm sorry I've neglected you. As Always.
time I'm back at this little space, a few months have gone by. I always
vividly recalled the countless number of times I've ask myself to
update here - this little space of memories since I was fourteen.
So if you asked, what am I busy with?
The big bulk of my life got to be work, then boyfriend, family and friends. And when I'm not working, I'm back to my hobby - which is equivalent to work. The irony is that I like to take photos/videos so much (of myself) that I'm still bringing the camera around.
day I'm literally thinking of new photos (to post online) and perhaps a
short film (which I want to write, film and act in it). I wonder if I can bring my assistant, Mr tripod to the next level. I think I'm just too greedy, I literally want everything.
This post have been left draft for the past one year or sat two years? And 'cos I got too greedy to squeeze all my 2016 thoughts and photos into one post... it just don't work.
From today on, I will motivate myself to update this little space.
I think I did say before if one day my memories fails me, someone can guide me to this online journal of my life.
See you soon!
P.S. Do people still read blogs now? Comment if you want to motivate me! Hahah.
I'm officially 27 (if you count by year) though I just turned 26 only. My birthday falls on December so by right I should have around a year more till I've aged. Sometimes I'm still living in denial and the truth is people may believe I am in my early twenties. A quarter of my life have past and somehow I still feel like a kid. You know there's so much I've yet to try, yet to achieve and you-name-it-i-got-it.
Alright, now is a time for me to recap some happenings last year and of 'cos in case one day my memory fails me, you are here.
Last year was the first year I kind of traveled once every two month. I traveled to Chiangmai, Phuket, Bali, Hong Kong and Malaysia. They are not the country you will go wow but I guess to me they were still sort of amazing. It was also the year where time flies really fast and yea, I'm officially able to manage/shoot a wedding solo, of 'cos with the help of my colleagues! Heheh ;)
Hmm... let me try to dig out some photos from last year... (There's way too much photos... Maybe shall post them on separates one, if I do update!)
. . . . . . JANUARY - Goodbye 2014, Hi 2015
Usually I've got colored hair (pink, red, blue, green, rainbow maybe) but back then I've got really luscious black hair. Haha.
A video posted by Jessica Lim 林丽姗 (@jessiccalim) on
It was Valentine's day! A rare occasion I'll receive flowers 'cos throughout this six years going seven years relationship, I think I only receive like four to five times? Though I don't like flowers but it feels good to receive sometimes. *winks* lol. I still love you Alvin Thoo!
A video posted by Jessica Lim 林丽姗 (@jessiccalim) on
First time going to Chiangmai and it was with my family. It had been real long time since the we went on vacation together. I remembered the last was probably ten years ago when I was sixteen or seventeen to Genting Highlands. Though Dad and Mum can be a little naggy but all was well and I really enjoyed.
An annual trip with the peeps from SYDC, this time round we went Phuket! We combined some random shots together with an impromptu dance concept video. Watch and you'll know! (: AND OH, I realized I didn't edit the photos and they are still there. I should clear them soon, I hope!
I can't find much photos from July, the only ones are the one where I've blue ombre hair which I've posted in previous post. Dad's birthday month!
August gonna be Bali bound! Company retreat and there were ten of us.
I've written a blogpost before and watch the above! I love you Androids!
I seems to be quite busy with work, weddings all day err day.
It was also Mum's birthday month but she's away and I was quite alone.
October was my first time to Hong Kong, a first solo vacation with a girl - Angie Chua!
NOVEMBER I can't remember much but I know I meet up with my prysm girls.
It gonna be my birthday month! First time having a staycation and at Llyod's Inn, I shall do a blogpost next time but don't know when. Hahah. Maybe just more pictures.
Went to take some pictures for SYDC and here's a group picture (:
Was also part of a friend's proposal...
We traveled to Malaysia Port Dickson. It was like a mini staycation and a gathering. Glad the rain stop and the proposal was pretty much a success (though the girl six sense knew something is going on). Congratulations!
A video posted by Jessica Lim 林丽姗 (@jessiccalim) on
We had our slumber/xmas party! (:
2015 was quite amazing but I do have my down moments.
For 2016... come what may?
In the following months February and March, I will be traveling to Hong Kong and Bali for work! I'm glad to have the chance yet I'm gonna missed out celebrating Valentine's day and 25th birthday with love. Oh well, they say everyday can be Valentine's day? Hmms. Nonetheless, AZA AZA FIGHTING everyone~! ;D
My emotions fickle like madness these days. Awhile I'm happy, awhile I'm sad then vice versa.
Maybe as I age, I go a lil craze. Lol. I keep ranting on snapchat recently though I only have like 20+ friends in there, you know maybe the numbers don't matter 'cos at least a few will be kaypoh about my life. (& I'm definitely very kaypoh in people's life.)
I've neglected this little space alot so I'll try to pen down my thoughts whenever I can. (After reading about Essena O'Niell online, I kinda got influence a little... I want to be more real.)
I haven't been taking much photographs ('cos I usually take video at work), as in a ratio comparison with video. So about few weeks back during september, I took an entire wedding as the main photographer for my friend's brother (It was a deal I accepted early last year when I'm still am an intern at work). It was definitely very stressful but I'm glad all is worthwhile! I'm also in good fortune 'cos I asked my boyfriend to help and be the second shooter. Haha. Ya know there is more coverage so more angles (;
Delivered the photographs and I'm really happy that they liked it!
*YAY! Little perks in life~*
Kids always give the most genuine smile. Hahah.
I'm not the best photographer out there so I'll try my best to capture moments (:
Also, seeing couples getting married every one or two weeks is a happy thing but then this thought always came into my mind... when's my turn? Lol! I'm not ready anytime soon though, just saying...