January 24, 2005

H E L P !!!
- i am stress up . shrugs . school work this days suck, gonna make me mad . =( . i forget all of da maths sums . secondary one and two work , arghh.. feel like a dummy . i am really tired too . everyday sure got tutorials, this week is like pack.. tomorrow bowling, wednesday running, thursday ngee ann polytechnic and friday mac ritche . wah piang.. give me some break . i need some rest .
- when will all this stop ? ahh . perhaps after o's . and ma boss.. when ya let me quit ? doubts . wonders . some feelings of me suck too .
- i love astro boy, and i am his sister.. astro gal - uran . LOL .
- take cares peeps, jia you for the school days! =D .
school drools .

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