November 14, 2004

- alright.. i'm scare to see the fifty dollars note when doing the cashier. cos it's like.. whenever i do cashier, there bound to be losta fifty dollar notes. -_- . i'm kinda sad and happy being a cashier. when i got things right.. and fast getting the drinks, soup and salads.. i'm really happy. =DD . today my sales quite good eh. if not shall say i got really big customers. >.< .
- went to work at around twelve today. i serve at cashier one.. i got really big customers.. i mean BIG. they have large orders and they bought Qoo bag. today i sold a total of eight. wahaa! got pay rise anot? =< . the sad part is.. i got only three bucks and twenty cents for one hour. damn little.. AHH! =(( . but after the break and i change to cashier five, i dropped. WAH.
- and hoh.. yesterday one customer say i cute. =DD . the other asked if i was japanese. i decline.. i should say yes. LMAO.
- went swimming with xuee too.
- btw, happy birthday arhna! ^^ .
miss ya, hell.

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