November 16, 2004

my boy.
- okays.. i gonna get my boy later, i gonna meet him. i miss him.. i need him, i can hug him real tight. he gonna be mine then. he's.. shall be astro boy! LMAO. who the hell are ya thinking? x= .
- i saw this cute astro boy at taka square. offer! twenty nine ninety.. which is half of my height. lols. cheap already leh.. so the big. =D . my mum sponsor me nine bucks and so it will cost around twenty bucks. yesh. i gonna ask others to pay for me too. x= . gonna meet kuku to town later. i wanna but the astro bag and the astro jacket also.. but why the hell did it costs so much. wahaa. fifty over dollars. -_- . so much expensive then the big toy. lol.
- later got bowling training.. sian. gonna sleep soon and i knew i wont have much energy. bleahx.
- o's finishing soon. take cares peeps.
astro gal.

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