March 26, 2004

woi. god tears today and i did too. lolx. my mum framed me. she say she saw me holding hands with another guy. duhx. she heard tat frm my cousin. stupid her! was i? i did go out with guys.. but did i hold hand like she say? if i did.. i will tell my mum.. i will be honest. the thing is.. no guys wants me. hai.. i am really despo. lolx. so i went back hm and ask her who told her that cos the time she call me, she give me a feeling tat she don believe me. wat the toot. she say she believe me. do gals at the teenage's age not allow to hav bf? do ppl have bf realli affect their studies? gaa. i dunno. somehow.. i dun think this is the fact. cos.. i nv try the feeling before. it was always one-sided love.
i told my mum i went out with young gal before.. now, she say whenever i go out.. even if it's a guy.. i must tell. she wont mind. will she really think tat way? i don think so.. parents always think that gals of my age shouldn go out with guys.. if this is so, why not i change and like gals? lolx.
ahh.. santa.. gone case. ...i show my bro the neos i take with santa.. he saw it and say.. i don think he interested in you. duhx. if this is so.. i think.. i just gonna giv up. new target? mayb.. mayb not. i give up!
-- > today leh.. morning went to marina.. didn get to be lane marshal! woi.. haha. i eat alot.. first.. sandwich.. follow by ice cream. the ice cream real nice but my pocket is burned. it cost $2.20. lolx. but it is worth. i gonna buy another ice cream on monday again. ^.< ..back to school.. i eat guava! wahaha. back at home.. i eat curry.. after takin a nap.. i eat curry again. next.. i went pasar malam makan.. arghh.. my stomach is exploding!
love ya, love ya not?

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