December 29, 2003

yoz.. something wrong with my typing thingy here. didn type anithin and words will appear on it's own. it's scary isn't it?

hmm.. well, ytd me go buy sch shoes. with wen and stel. return the money to candy oso liao. actualli we wanna buy sch blouse.. but hoh.. the queue is damn long. so might as well forget it and come again nxt time. hoho.

gotta finish this entry soon. i hope my comp is okay. really spooky. or got virus?? hmm den today me go orchard. with manting. when waiting for her, i saw lianhuat and kimguan and dunno hu. lolx. think kimguan saw me. mayb he didn even noe hu is me. saw shuan at orchard oso. he giving out "chuan dan" . me bought two tops. manting bought more. btw, meet manli, her fren and her didi at orchard too. hehe.

gonna stop now.. it's real scary.

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