October 28, 2004

links will be up soon.
- now, i find malay guys realli handsome. =D . hahas. okay.. today our school got inter-class captain ball competition. the winner for guys is 3n2 and winner for girls is 3e3. a round of applause!
- i play one half for the class girl and felt i am a piece of statue. lol. but it's over, shouldn't think about it le. anw, the guys competition is most exciting. for e4, monster is the captain and i think he look really yandao. x= . and for e2, rizwan seems really funny and yandao too. xD . the n2 guys is also v yandao. LOL. cos they got swift moves and great team spirit. they rawks! good sportsmanship! =D .
- ahh. and i got back my report book. i got 18/43 for class position and 59/2o3 for level position. =( . there goes my eighty bucks. LMAO.
- rizwan got 17/43 in class. -_- . he won me by one position. haha! he won me by two for level position [ 57/ 2o3 ] .
- play bball after school today. play with a couple of guys. e3 gals played too. stel too. =D .
- went bowling and kanna say by betty ho. -_- .
- the letter i wrote to miss chen was through.. she only told me not to miss bowling training again. yeap.
- the end.
- opps. i gonna go for artivity night tml.. =j .
screw up.

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