April 12, 2004

woo.. another owl panda here. worst and ever. MUHAHA. no one will cares. so it dosent really matter. hai.
hmm.. hw leh.. left bio and chem. i did do some but still tonnes. when will i finish?
insomnia - lacking of sleep? or inability to sleep? lolx. i check the dict and gt the correct spelling. maybe i am? or am i thinking too much of stuff and cant have a peaceful night? aha. god noes. he noes, she noes, they noes and lastly.. i noes. yea.. he's online now.. didn chat much. i'm feeling stupid or sad for dunno wat reason. mayb he dun like me.. i dunno. wenx say he like me? zit? but he didn sms me or much like last time. bz? even a sms? aha. nvm. mayb everything let nature take it cause. force no gd? maybe. ahaha. force really no gd. mian chiang shi mei you xin fu de. xin fu shi zi ji zhen qu de.
hmm.. tml i will be damn tired.. for sure. aha. but why am i still typing this entry? toot*
so near yet so far..

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