April 9, 2004

hmm.. i'm back. meet my god bro today. lolx. he isn't my type. definateli and 101%. =x i think i am realli bad. guess somehow, i do care alot about looks and attire. he look nerd, average looking loh. he is like those person frm mountain.. and i mean is. he oli go to jp and wm by himself before. he told me his home v strict den 1 year go out less den 10 times. duhx. so strict yea? parents shouldnt be so strict to boys! this would make them like.. eh ar? went cwp and jp. was like walking circles and circles. lolx.
i saw santa! ahaha. i dunno if he have the feel he felt for me last time. hope so? shrugs. just talk abit. u go hm ar? i say ya.. with friends. den he say go work liao. aha. end of conversation. - more conversations and seein him?
after the meet up with my god bro, i went to find stel. serkee, shirley, shuying and jordus were there. we took neos. hehe. quite a nice take. went para. lolx. went hm after tat.
tata.. think tat's all liao. tons of hw to piang.
yi mao qu ren..

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