April 8, 2005

things are going fine.

today i went swimming alone. it took me losta courage. lols. i swim for about fourty minutes i guess. next time i wanna try one hour.. ahh. i am sad cos when i got up.. da sun is up. =( . i didn get any tan-ner . i am bored today. reach home at eleven, went swimming.. intend to make ez-link card but i fall asleep. i report da lost of it already. heh. hope will make soon and get it done so i gt bus concession again. yeaps.

quite long never update le. today school gt speech day and i think next week onwards got double session peer tutoring. AHH. i will looked shag. i hope i will do well for ma o's. i hope i gt da motivation to study. can i? =D

it's hard to tie me at home. i hope i will b able and stop facing da computer, sleep, eat and blah. i always say this and that but i do nuts. hais.

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